About Us
Who are the Hedgesville Hounds?
Although there is a Hedgesville, and we have definitely placed a fair number of hounds in homes, the term Hedgesville Hounds has become more emblematic than actual. It has its origins in one specific rescue that became quite inspirational to a number of volunteers. It has since captured in its scope the determination of many people with a common interest - dogs - and an uncommon commitment to helping them.
What began as an effort to help a single group of dogs in terrible need, gained momentum as these dogs were successfully placed in wonderful homes. The dogs became a kind of rallying cry, a challenge, and a cause. The Hedgesville Hounds 501(c)(3) group was formally established in 2003.
Hedgesville Hounds exist everywhere. They are dogs of every breed - every size - every age - who by circumstance, ignorance, or cruelty and neglect, were put at risk. Sometimes they are cats, and even rabbits.
Our effort has been quite simple - to give them a voice. And a little help with arrangements.
And then let these wonderful creatures do the rest.

Our Mission -- The Personal Touch, The Right Fit
These are the goals we strive to achieve -- our principles, if you will:
One-on-One Communication: Once we have decided to pursue your application, we'll call you to answer your questions about the dog. If you have an hour's worth of questions, we'll give you an hour's worth of answers. This also makes applying a little more personal.
Adoption Counseling and Followup: Once you have adopted one of our dogs, you are encouraged to contact us for advice. We have a network of volunteers, adopters and experts on different breeds and positive reinforcement training who are eager to help you with some of the problems you might face with your new pet. We have loaned books, arranged for private training sessions, done Web research, consulted with behaviorists and otherwise tried to "be there" for our adopters when they need us.
Networking: We strive for a strong working relationship with many other rescue groups and animal control facilities. If we don't have the dog you are seeking, we can refer you to someone who does.
Lifetime Commitment: We remain committed to our animals throughout their lives and are there to help out in any way we can.
Where We Work
We place dogs in homes throughout Maryland, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, and south central Pennsylvania.
Success Stories
Visit our Hedgesville Hound Alumni photo album on Facebook for updates on some former Hounds, now adopted. ATTENTION ADOPTERS: If you'd like to send us an update and new pictures of your dog, we'd love to see them. Please let us know whether we can post them on Facebook. Send an email and pictures to inquiries@hedgesvillehounds.com. Please keep pictures to under 100K each.